So, change of plans...David went to his parents house to haul some stuff to good-will for them, and I decided to take this change to get some chores done around the house. Until I realized, I have an empty garage and a file cabinet that I wanted to spray paint! What better time than when the husband isn't around to critique my painting abilities or complain of over spray on tires stacked in there?
Back story on the free file cabinet: my day job was cleaning out an office and they had some furniture that they were giving away or going to donate. I knew needed a new filing system (we've grown out of the plastic file box with handle). So of course, I snagged it. It's been in our garage since March waiting to for a little love to make it pretty.
This the almond-ish before picture after I cleaned it all up from being stored in a messy garage.

I have noticed a lot of these same metal file cabinets on craigslist for under $25 but occasionally in the free section too! I will get it in the office and all organized at another time. I may not have a clean house or clean laundry but I have a pretty golden yellow file cabinet. :)
The paint with coupon: $4.50 (-ish I can't find the receipt)
Popped the little frames off because I want them and the handles to stay silver.
To cover the handles (since I didn't feel like figuring out how to take them off), I used aluminum foil. Take a piece of foil and fold it over to make a straight edge.
I put the flat edge to the cabinet and wrapped the handle with the foil to avoid any gold paint getting on the silver handle.
First coat: not so great I was thinking this could have been a mistake...
Second coat: a little better.
Much better! All finished with the frame thingys (I'm pretty sure that the technical term) back on.
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