We are a loving family of four sisters, no brothers (we know, we know...poor dad, huh?). When you're around us, you probably won't get a word in the conversation. We talk fast and loud. We are blessed to have a unique relationship between each of us and among all of us.
We are fortunate enough to have been raised by Christian parents, if you ask any of us we'd have to say we're the luckiest when it comes to those two. We grew up in Alaska. We went to a K-12 private school so we were always around each other and everyone still knows us as "The Brooks girls". Read below to find out more about each of us!

I am Kristy, the oldest. I am: a Christ follower, wifey to my high school sweetie {A}, mommy to two little adorable divas, business owner, fitness professional, runner, vegetarian, newbie gardener, former elementary school teacher, typical type "A" personality, and just a lady trying to do the best I can with what I have been blessed with.
My name is Jeannie (yes, like in a bottle). I am: the second oldest, married to {M} who couldn't be more perfect for me :), bonus mom to a beautiful ten year old, adoptive mom to our energetic three year old son, domestic engineer of the household, crafting connoisseur, gardener, and overall a very blessed woman.
I'm Amanda, or #3 as dad would say. I am: the one that is still in Alaska, married to my bff {D}, doggy mom to the cutest bichon ever, a professionally trained pastry chef, a buyer in the oil industry, self described craft junkie, a list maker, lover of all things martha and julia child, wanna-be photographer, and just trying to excel at whatever I do.
I'm Sabrina. I am: the youngest of us four girls (some would say that means I have been spoiled, I say it means I am pretty awesome!), married to my husband {B} who is in the Marine Corps, a stay at home mom to our adorable one year old twin boys, former hairdresser, creatively crafty, trying to eat healthy and clean, and attempting to keep my sanity.
We hope to entertain you a bit with our babblings!
Feel free to contact us a babblingbrooksblog (at) gmail.com